In the ever-evolving landscape of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, the representation of women remains a critical issue. However, amidst the challenges lie opportunities for empowerment, growth, and success. In this blog...
Leading a team during challenging times can be overwhelming, but it is also an excellent opportunity to showcase your strong leadership skills. Whether you are dealing with a crisis, a significant change, or an...
In the world of leadership, having the freedom to make decisions and take action is often considered a crucial factor. However, constraints can also serve as a valuable tool for developing leadership skills. In...
Transitioning from being an employee to an entrepreneur is never easy, but Maxine Barnett makes it seem not only possible but also easy. Maxine is the Founder and Principal Executive and Career Coach of...
With the support every step of the way of her loving parents, Neha Vatsala has basically been mentored and developing her soft skills since she was a child. Now she is out there building...
As a successful woman of color in the facilities management industry, Maxcene Crowe definitely stands out. She fearlessly embraces her role and is excited to be an industry leader and role model for professionals...
Working in 22 countries has left one of our lovely humans David Rigby with a wealth of wisdom and numerous stories to help him share his knowledge. As an international keynote speaker, training, consultant,...
Some people say that once we give of ourselves, we get back tenfold, and a perfect example of this is embodied in one of our lovely humans Ipek Williamson. Ipek is a change master,...