Every human being is programmable machine, biases begin to develop from childhood as one is raised up. They circle around religion, work ethics, life, and what is defined as "good" and what is defined as "bad" we enter corporate with a bag on our shoulders, which are reflected in our work behaviour so visibly. Having understood this phenomenon, my subconscious is clean slate, I try to understand, instead of judging anyone.
Both are programmed differently, biggest hindrance. Expectation of A from B or expectation of B from A can only be met when they travel very far midway. At zero distance level, conflict is imminent.
Exploration: I my 30 years of career, many time I said YES to assignments I never did before. As I travelled, explored new and new ways. Just that WILL to succeed always created path towards end goals. I I have to teach, I will instill exploration, intrigue behaviours, knowledge gathering, collaboration, insight, as core behaviours in an individual.
Every human being is programmable machine, biases begin to develop from childhood as one is raised up. They circle around religion, work ethics, life, and what is defined as "good" and what is defined as "bad" we enter corporate with a bag on our shoulders, which are reflected in our work behaviour so visibly. Having understood this phenomenon, my subconscious is clean slate, I try to understand, instead of judging anyone.
Both are programmed differently, biggest hindrance. Expectation of A from B or expectation of B from A can only be met when they travel very far midway. At zero distance level, conflict is imminent.
Exploration: I my 30 years of career, many time I said YES to assignments I never did before. As I travelled, explored new and new ways. Just that WILL to succeed always created path towards end goals. I I have to teach, I will instill exploration, intrigue behaviours, knowledge gathering, collaboration, insight, as core behaviours in an individual.