Building and investing in blockchain infrastructure and Web3 gaming.
Seasoned business professional in the tech industry specialising in GTM, scale ups and BD. Previously, helped scale...
Customers may not want to be associated with a brand that has ties with a company polluting the environment. We live in an age, where customers are very conscious of the environmental side effects from manufacturing and having ethical practices is critical to keep customers happy.
While working at Uber, I faced constant challenges to ensure the loyalty of our driver partners with our platform. To ensure that they chose us vs our competitors, we spent significant time on the ground to understand their challenges and modified the experience on our app to improve their experience driving with us. Their loyalty with us was entirely dependent on how they felt we were treating them and building trust enabled us to win market share.
I feel the management is making a mistake since it is good to have people with differing opinions in a team. Differing opinions creates a more open environment for growth.
They can create structured setups for both of them to engage in conversations and share their perspectives. Having established frameworks will help to reduce the friction and give both of them the platform to voice their views.
They do so at times. Objectivity is not a well defined thing which can be followed by a rulebook. As humans, people tend to get impacted by their emotions which impact their ability to stay objective all the time.
I am big believer in mindfulness practices. Creating a mental gap between a situation and your reaction allows you to respond with objectivity rather than with any biases.
Recruiters ask these questions to understand the mental psyche of a candidate and gauge the truth in their statements.
Many times in interviews, candidates state certain statements without sharing a background story. Recruiters ask such probing questions for these 2 reasons: 1. The candidate did not elucidate clear facts while sharing their story. 2. To gain a deeper understanding on how the candidate managed that situation.
1. The interviewee did not prepare sufficiently for the interview and is not confident
2. The interviewee has written accomplishments that are not actually their own
3. The interviewee did not spend time thinking about probable questions they would be asked and have to think on the spot
During an interview, an interviewer questioned me on what I learned from a difficult situation and had a number of follow up questions. Most of these questions related to sharing what I had learned from the situation itself. What I learned was that interviewers prefer focusing on output as much as they do on the outcome. Sharing what I did in that tense situation and how my actions helped me grow as a professional was critical and something I had missed.
Most people do not apply frameworks to difficult conversations and allow them to go with the flow which usually ends in a disaster. I advise people to apply a mental model which starts with thinking of the outcome they are trying to achieve. Thereafter, they should focus on what they can state to enable a favourable outcome.