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Philomena Githiri

Data Scientist, Hello Tractor

Image for Philomena Githiri

Philomena is a data scientist at Hello Tractor and a community leader for Women in Data Kenya. She has a degree in industrial mathematics and skills in Python, R, SQL, and more. She...

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  • ai
  • data
  • cyber
  • security
  • teamwork
  • negotiation
  • active
  • listening
  • storytelling
  • conflict
  • resolution
  • persuasive
  • conversation
  • building
  • curiosity
  • diversity
  • inclusion
  • change
  • management
  • building
  • empathy
  • cognitive
  • ability
  • problem
  • solving
  • practicing
  • creativity
  • digital
  • skills
  • purposeful
  • leadership
  • influencing
  • people
  • global
  • outlook
  • public
  • speaking
  • presenting
  • performance
  • management
  • adopting
  • emerging
  • technologies
  • practicing
  • mindfulness
  • critical
  • thinking
Image for Philomena Githiri